Strong Finish for the Terriers

On Sunday, December 12, 2010 Terrier Robotics once again sent all three teams to another competition. This time it took place at Poway High School, for the Poway VEX Robotics Competition. Once again the Terrier Robotics teams did not disappoint, and placed Teams 99 and 99C (allied together) for a third place finish along with one other robot as part of the alliance from another school. Terrier Robotics did not come home empty handed however, Team 99 won the Energy Award for the day, and team 99C won the judges award. We were happy to bring home two more trophies, to add to the collection at Redlands High School. To hopefully gain a better advantage to place first at the next competitions many modifications are now being made to our three robots to prepare for them. Included in the modifications is a complete re design to the team 99 Robot (article below). We are currently still looking for new sponsors, and would like to thank our current sponsors for helping us get this far.

Recreating the Beast

Since we returned from our last competition at Poway High School( By the way Poway deserves a big shout out, especially to John who set the whole thing up as his senior project, great job guys!) we saw the need to redesign some of our robot. The first problem was the drive, since we had alot of things attached to the new ECU the overheating function was turned on when it wasn't supposed to and it shut down our left side motor, we attempted to fix this by rewiring some stuff but in the end it did not help; our second problem was our sweeper and lift, even though they worked flawlessly they had no advantage during play because of our driving style and the style of the other teams. We'll post a video of the sweeper a little later in the season. To fix these problems we decided to completely remove the ring collector system and work on a intricate autonomous and a perfectly functioning robot otherwise. This should help the overheating problem because we will be mounting less things and having less motors use power, and it should overall make the robot lighter and faster which are key components to this years challenge. We will be posting pictures of our robot soon after its completion.


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