For the last two or three weeks we have been waiting to acquire a used wheel chair that one of the teachers at our school has donated to the club. We finally received the wheel chair and have been thinking what to do with it. Here are some the ideas we came up with.

1. Robotic tank that is controlled by a computer through Wifi. With some kind of cannon obviously =).
2. A robot with two arms and camera on it so we can pour a glass of water or something like that. This one is also controlled be a computer through Wifi.
3. An autonomous robot that will "see" and drive through an obstacle course.
4. Or an autonomous robot that will have a map in its "brain" and a GPS to track where it is. So we can tell it where to go and it will create a course on its own and get there as fast as possible.

Right now we think we are just going to build the tank and then later add the robots arms, “sight”, and GPS navigation system.



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