2010 Team Description
For the 2009-2010 season our team consists of 11 members. Varsity members have been in the club atleast one year and have made a significant contribution to the club. Junior Varsity members are in their first year.
Mr. Bartlett - Advisor to the club, 4th
Erik Blaser - President, Driver, Notebook, Builder, Design Specialist (Varsity) 11th, 3rd year
Sven Blaser - Vice President, Head Programmer, Program Specialist, Driver (Varsity) 10th, 2nd year
Tad Kasulka - Treasurer/Secretary, Programmer, Driver, Builder (Varsity) 10th, 2nd year
Alex - Head Builder, Driver, Build Specialist, (Varsity) 10th, 2nd year
Boyce Asquith - Builder, Design (Varsity) 10th, 2nd year
Shane Joseph - Builder, Design (Varsity) 11th, 3rd year
Trent Gillard - Design, Build (Varsity) 11th, 2nd year
Hans Tang - Builder, Design, Base Specialist (Junior Varsity) 9th, 1st year
Junaiel Saleem - Build Design,Base Specialist (Junior Varsity) 12th, 1st year
Grant Hoel - Builder, Design (Junior Varsity) 10th, 1st year
Lawrence Frehner - Programmer, Builder (Junior Varsity) 10th, 1st year