2010 Team Description

For the 2009-2010 season our team consists of 11 members. Varsity members have been in the club atleast one year and have made a significant contribution to the club. Junior Varsity members are in their first year.
Mr. Bartlett - Advisor to the club, 4th
Erik Blaser - President, Driver, Notebook, Builder, Design Specialist (Varsity) 11th, 3rd year
Sven Blaser - Vice President, Head Programmer, Program Specialist, Driver (Varsity) 10th, 2nd year
Tad Kasulka - Treasurer/Secretary, Programmer, Driver, Builder (Varsity) 10th, 2nd year
Alex - Head Builder, Driver, Build Specialist,  (Varsity) 10th, 2nd year
Boyce Asquith - Builder, Design (Varsity) 10th, 2nd year
Shane Joseph - Builder, Design  (Varsity) 11th, 3rd year
Trent Gillard - Design, Build (Varsity) 11th, 2nd year
Hans Tang - Builder, Design, Base Specialist (Junior Varsity) 9th, 1st year
Junaiel Saleem - Build Design,Base Specialist  (Junior Varsity) 12th, 1st year
Grant Hoel - Builder, Design (Junior Varsity) 10th, 1st year
Lawrence Frehner - Programmer, Builder (Junior Varsity) 10th, 1st year

09' Team

This was our 09' team with our FTC robot for that year. We placed 3rd twice and 2nd once with our Vex robot (Not pictured). And with the FTC robot we went undefeated until the finals in the CSUN competition and 3rd place in the San Diego competition.


New Mats!!!!

Our club recieved a donation in the for of a Vex playing mat last week =) yay. That means we can finally perfect the autonomous sequence at our school instead of at the competitions. So we'd like to thank Andreas and Nadia Blaser for their donations. Thank you very much

First Couple Weeks

Well we've had about 3 weeks of school and 6ish meetings. We started to design the robot, since we have two robots we are trying to come up with a pair of robots that work best when they are on the same team. We thought of making a offencive and defensive robot, so one robot that can block and the other one would score. We decided that this idea would fail since the triangular goals would ultimatly keep the blocking robot from blocking efficently. The design for the blocking robot was pretty cool though. We thought of a box that could unfold to create a 90" wall that would be raised to 20 inches high, and there was some discousion wether we could add a structure to the top to make it even taller so it would have a final high of 24" or so inches. We have a engineering class that is helping us with the robot's design and build, awesome =D. We've also been watching all the videos from the new zealand matches to get idea and have some other great one's.


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